Monday, March 19, 2012


It seems that though I have accomplished many of the little to-do's on my list, I keep adding to the bottom. I've managed to get most of my financial matters in order, the most daunting of which happen to be my student loans. Up to this point I had thought that as soon as that was settled, "all I have left to do is pack!" And while there is certainly much truth to that statement, I have found that packing is in of itself, a huge deal. I'm right now just trying to figure out what to put my stuff in, let alone what little items to pack. I've never flown internationally before (hah, I've never even flown to a different time zone), so the luggage dimension and weight restrictions are my main concerns when trying to pick out reasonably priced, lightweight, and decent quality luggage (any and all recommendations are welcome).

And of course, during this process of choosing appropriate luggage, my mind is inundated with thoughts of what I will fill it with. I haven't quite hit that step yet, but I know that there is no way I will be able to fit everything I want to bring. Between favorite cosmetics and lotions, shoes, clothes, books and items of sentimental value, I know that sacrifices must and will be made. However, I am still hoping to have room for at least one of my yoga mats.

My other most urgent concern revolves around spending some quality time with my favorite people. A bon voyage party may be in the works, which I am looking forward to, and a visit to Chicago is also loosely scheduled. However, I'm also trying to remember to save some of those little pockets of time for myself.

What I'm also trying to remember is to take it day by day. And to be compassionate with myself, especially in those moments where I feel like I'm never going to get everything done. The present is all we have, so those deep breaths and pats on the back for how far I've come are welcomed by my soul and are also helping to make this journey a smooth one. I'm extremely grateful for all the support I've received and am confident in my ability to face each challenge that comes my way. And regardless of what exactly that next challenge may be, I know that bringing myself into the now will be the first step in the right direction.

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